Jumat, 29 Februari 2008

SOFTWARE :: ipMonitor v9.0.1236

ipMonitor v9.0.1236

SolarWinds ipMonitor delivers out-of-the-box network monitoring that is perfect for the small- and medium-sized business (SMB). With ipMonitor, you always know exactly what’s happening with your applications, servers, and network devices. Plus, ipMonitor includes a built-in database and Web server, so you don’t need to install anything but ipMonitor -- making it fast, affordable, and easy, even if you don’t have a PhD in network monitoring.

ipMonitor's network monitoring highlights include:
• Quickly discovers IP-based network devices and automatically recommends SmartMonitor settings for each device -- a huge time savings as no manual configuration is required
• Performs out-of-the-box monitoring of Active Directory®, DNS, Microsoft® Exchange, FTP, Web, IMAP, MS SQL Server™, SMTP, and more
• Monitors end-user experience with synthetic transactions
• Creates customizable network maps that enable you to visually monitor network data and to drill down to take immediate corrective actions
• Automates recovery and remediation actions to reduce downtime
• Provides a cutting-edge user interface and dashboard that enable you to quickly get a clear view of the health of your network and application infrastructure
• Leverages SNMP, WMI, and RPC for agent-less network monitoring of critical applications and systems

OS: Windows Vista (IPv4 mode only), Windows XP SP2 or later, Windows Server 2003 SP1 & R2

Home Page: http://www.solarwinds.com/products/ipmonitor/

Download: 16.3 MB




Pass: www.dl4all.com

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Senin, 25 Februari 2008

TUTORIAL :: How to Convert DjVu to PDF

Universal Document Converter is the most complete solution for the conversion of documents into PDF format. The underlying basis of Universal Document Converter is the technology of virtual printing. As a result, converting documents from DjVu to PDF is not any more complicated than printing on a desktop printer.

Please follow this manual to start converting of DjVu documents.

1. Download and install Universal Document Converter software onto your computer.

2. Install DjVu Browser Plugin for Internet Explorer from the Lizardtech site.

3. Open the DjVu file in Internet Explorer and press the Print button in the DjVu Browser Plugin toolbar:

Open the DjVu file in Internet Explorer and press the Print button in the DjVu Browser Plugin toolbar

4. Select Universal Document Converter from the printers list and press Properties button.

Select Universal Document Converter from the printers list and press Properties button.

5. Select the Document to PDF, Color, Multipage profile in the Universal Document Converter Properties window and press OK.

Select the Document to PDF, Color, Multipage profile in the Printing Preferences window and press OK.

6. Press OK in the Lizardtech plugin Print dialog to start converting. When the PDF file is ready, it will be saved to the C:\UDC Output Files folder by default.

Converting in progress.

7. The converted document will then be opened in Adobe Acrobat or another viewer associated with PDF files on your computer.

Converted document in Adobe Acrobat.

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Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008

SOFTWARE :: Video - Video Capturix 2007 7.08.905

Video Capturix 2007 7.08.905

Video Capturix 2007 is a powerful non linear video capture application. It lets you capture movies (in AVI format) from any Video for Windows or Windows Driver Model (Version 2005 or higher) video source. You can also freeze video images and save the image in BMP, JPEG,GIF,JPEG 2000,TIF,PCX,PNG format or copy the image to the Clipboard. You can even take timed snapshots to create a movie. A "Full Screen" option lets you transform your monitor into a video screen. An "Auto start" function gives you the ability to schedule a date and time to start capturing, Motion Detector gives you the ability to start recording when the video source changes.

You can recompress AVI files using another CODEC. Extract a frame from any AVI Video File or you can even extract all frames from any AVI file and save it as a BMP or JPEG format file.

The new AVI BUILDER enables you to create a Video Clip (AVI) from multiple image files (.BMP). Now you can add a group of files by just pressing the group selection button, and this will add a group of files with a specific path (eg: MyImg*.bmp).Windows Media Streams can be captured with Video Capturix 2007 (under certain limitations, for example: license and server permissions).You can also use your DV camera and transfer AVI files to DV tapes (if supported) !

Download: 7.26 MB




Pass: www.dl4all.com

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GRAPHIC :: Wedding Frame for Photoshop

Wedding Frame for Photoshop

PNG | 2.34 MB





Pass: www.dl4all.com

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EBOOKS :: Fermentation and Food Safety

Fermentation and Food Safety

Springer | 2001-02-28 | ISBN: 0834218437 | 290 pages | PDF | 16.58 MB

The book deals individually with relevant chemical and microbiological hazards that may threaten public health, covering severity, rate of occurrence, introduction into foods, foods specifically at risk, and conditions that remove or inactivate these hazards. 'Fermentation and Food Safety' also looks at the impact of currently employed and novel fermentation processes and starters on hazards, with a specific focus on biotechnology issues. This unique reference is pertinent to the safe production of fermented foods at all scales, with all major food groups, and should be a valuable resource for anyone involved in research, processing, safety, or quality of fermented foods.





Pass: www.dl4all.com

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EBOOKS :: PC Based Instrumentation and Control

PC Based Instrumentation and Control

Newnes | 2005-05-12 | ISBN:0750647167 | PDF | 512 pages | 10.19 MB

PC Based Instrumentation and Control is a guide to implementing computer control, instrumentation and data acquisition using a standard PC and some of the most popular computer languages.
Numerous examples of configurations and working circuits, as well as representative software, make this a practical, hands-on guide to implementing PC-based testing and calibration systems and increasing efficiency without compromising quality or reliability. Guidance is given on modifying the circuits and software routines to meet the reader's specific needs.
The third edition includes updated coverage of PC hardware and bus systems, a new chapter on virtual instruments and an introduction to programming and software development in a modern 32-bit environment. Additional examples have been included, with source code and executables available for download from the companion website www.key2control.com.

· Save money and increase efficiency with an instrumentation and control strategy using a standard PC
· Ideal for educational courses in control engineering and instrumentation - create simple but realistic PC-based simulations
· A companion website provides downloadable executables, source code, links to manufacturers and suppliers, and additional reference material





Pass: www.dl4all.com

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EBOOKS :: Longman English Grammar

Longman English Grammar

Longman Publishing Group (June 1988) | ISBN:0582558921 | PDF | 374 pages | 2.35 MB

The Longman English Grammar is an indispensable guide for all students at intermediate and advanced levels. First, it provides a comprehensive reference book of modern English grammar. Second, it looks at language from the students' point of view and so gives them clear and precise guidance on the areas of grammar they need to master for effective communication. Explains each area of grammar clearly and concisely. Uses traditional and familiar descriptions, yet takes account of modern research into grammar. Pays attention to areas where errors are commonly made. A useful Appendix gives additional help, with lists of words and phrases which often cause difficulties for learners Takes each major area of grammar, such as nouns, articles, tenses or prepositions in turn. Chapter 1 covers word order and sentence structure. Presents sections clearly with headings and numbered subsections for ease of use. Uses extensive cross references and a comprehensive index to make the information readily accessible to students. Explains each area of grammar clearly and concisely Uses traditional and familiar descriptions, yet takes account of modern research into grammar Pays attention to areas where errors are commonly made





Pass: www.dl4all.com

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SOFTWARE :: Browsers - FeedForAll


FeedForAll allows users to easily create, edit and publish RSS feeds. RSS is the standard for content distribution and syndication. Create feeds to keep visitors informed. New RSS feeds can be quickly and easily created with FeedForAll. Advanced features enable you to create professional looking RSS feeds quickly.

NEW FeedForAll Mac easily make, publish and edit RSS feeds, podcasts or iTunes. FeedForAll Mac can be used to create and maintain an unlimited number of RSS feeds and podcasts, enabling users to flawlessly maintain and distribute multiple content streams simultaneously. FeedForAll Mac has built-in support for new RSS standards, like the Apple iTunes RSS extension. Other extensions like those from Yahoo and Microsoft are also supported.

Download: 3.68 MB




Pass: www.dl4all.com

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Selasa, 19 Februari 2008

ARTICLE :: Tips dan Trik dalam Mendisain Web

Sering kita temui website yang tipikal: "Welcome to my homepage," animasi e-mail, background dengan tulisan miring (diagonal), animasi garis pembatas, tabel dengan border tiga-dimesi dan lain-lain. Hal ini terjadi akibat dari fasilitas Template yang disediakan oleh software pembuat web seperti: FrontpageT, Corel WebDesignerT, dan sebagainya yang ditujukan untuk mempermudah penggunanya dalam membangun website.

Jika anda puas dengan hasil kerja anda membangun website dengan fasilitas template, sudahlah cukup sampai disini. Tetapi jika anda tidak puas dengan apa yang anda buat, dan anda merasa ingin lebih baik, maka anda perlu mengetahui bagaimana Web Designer membangun suatu Website, terlepas anda punya bakat seni atau tidak.

  1. Unik : Dalam membuat karya apapun seorang designer mempunyai kesadaran untuk tidak meniru atau menggunakan karya orang lain. Begitu pula seorang Web Designer harus mempunyai budaya malu untuk menggunakan icon, animasi, button, dll, yang telah digunakan atau dibuat oleh orang lain.
  2. Komposisi : Seorang Web Designer selalu memperhatikan komposisi warna yang akan digunakan dalam website yang dibuatnya. Pergunakan selalu Palette 216 WebColor, yang dapat diperoleh dari Adobe.com, hal ini untuk mencegah terjadinya dither pada image yang berformat GIF. Dalam membangun website suatu perusahaan, Web Designer selalu menyesuaikan warna yang digunakan dengan Corporate Color perusahaan tersebut. Sebagai contoh: Telkom Corporate Color-nya adalah biru, Coca-Cola : merah dan putih, Standard-Chartered : hijau dan biru, dsb. Untuk kemudian warna-warna tadi digunakan sebagai warna dominan atau sebagai elemen pendukung (garis, background, button, dsb).
  3. Simple : Web Designer banyak yang menggunakan prinsip "Keep it Simple", hal ini ditujukan agar tampilan website tersebut terlihat rapi, bersih dan juga informatif.
  4. Semiotik : Semiotika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tanda-tanda. Dalam hal ini diharapkan dengan melihat tanda atau gambar, user/ audience dapat dengan mudah dan cepat mengerti. Sebagai contoh: Jangan membuat gambar/image yang berkesan tombol, padahal itu bukan tombol/ link.
  5. Ergonomis : Web Designer selalu memperhatikan aspek ergonomi. Ergonomi disini adalah dalam hal kenyamanan user dalam membaca dan kecepatan user dalam menelusuri website tersebut. Web Designer memilih ukuran Fonts yang tepat sehingga mudah dibaca, Web Designer menempatkan link sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah dan cepat untuk di akses dan lebih penting lagi adalah Informatif.
  6. Fokus : Tentukan hirarki prioritas dari pesan yang akan disampaikan, misalnya: Judul harus besar, tetapi jangan sampai akhirnya akan konflik dengan subjudul yang berukuran hampir sama. Hal ini akan membingungkan user/audience untuk menentukan pesan mana yang harus lebih dahulu dibaca/ dilihat.
  7. Konsisten : Tentukan font apa yang akan digunakan sebagai Body-text, Judul, Sub Judul dan sebagainya, sehingga website tersebut akan terlihat disiplin dan rapi. Sesuaikan jenis huruf yang digunakan dengan misi dan visi website tersebut, misalnya: hindari menggunakan font Comic dalam membangun website suatu perusahaan resmi.

Demikian beberapa aspek dan prinsip yang digunakan Web Designer dalam membuat website, selebihnya merupakan ekspresi dari pembuat website itu sendiri yang terwujud dalam penggayaan penyusunan website.

Software-software pembuat suatu website

Desain : Untuk membuat desain suatu homepage biasanya para web designer dimulai dengan software ini sebagai tampilan sementara atau dalam membuat layout homepage.

  1. Adobe Photoshop : Desain berbasis titik ( bitmap )
  2. Adobe Image Ready : Memotong gambar-gambar ke dalam format html
  3. Adobe Illustrator : Desain berbasis vector
  4. CorelDraw : Desain berbasis vector
  5. Macromedia Freehand : Desain berbasis vector

Efek Desain : Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghidupkan desain yang telah kita rancang. Seperti menambah efek cahaya, textur dan manipulasi teks.

  1. Macromedia Firework : Efek teks
  2. Painter : Memberikan efek lukisan
  3. Ulead Photo Impact : Efek frame dan merancangan icon yang cantik.
  4. Plugins Photoshop : Seperti Andromeda, Alien Skin, Eye Candy, Kai's Power Tool dan Xenofex juga sangat mendukung untuk memberi efek desain sewaktu anda mendesain layout homepage di Photoshop.

Animasi : Penambahan animasi perlu untuk membuat homepage agar kelihatan menarik dan hidup.

  1. 3D Studio Max : Untuk membuat objek dan animasi 3D.
  2. Gif Construction Set : Membuat animasi file gif
  3. Macromedia Flash : Menampilkan animasi berbasis vector yang berukuran kecil.
  4. Microsoft Gif Animator : Membuat animasi file gif
  5. Swift 3D : Merancang animasi 3D dengan format file FLASH.
  6. Swish : Membuat berbagai macam efek text dengan format file FLASH.
  7. Ulead Cool 3D : Membuat animasi efek text 3D.

Web Editor : Menyatukan keseluruhan gambar dan tata letak desain, animasi, mengisi halaman web dengan teks dan sedikit bahasa script.

  1. Alaire Homesite
  2. Cold Fusion
  3. Microsoft Frontpage
  4. Macromedia Dreamweaver
  5. Net Object Fusion

Programming : Hal ini dilakukan setelah sebagian besar desain homepage telah rampung. Programming bertugas sebagai akses database, form isian dan membuat web lebih interaktif. Contoh : Membuat guestbook, Form isian, Forum, Chatting, Portal, Lelang dan Iklanbaris.

  1. ASP ( Active Server Page )
  2. Borland Delphy
  3. CGI ( Common Gateway Interface )
  4. PHP
  5. Perl

Upload : File html kita perlu di letakkan ( upload ) di suatu tempat ( hosting ) agar orang di seluruh dunia dapat melihat homepage kita.

  1. Bullet FTP
  2. Cute FTP
  3. WS-FTP
  4. Macromedia Dreamweaver : dengan fasilitas Site FTP
  5. Microsoft Frontpage : dengan fasilitas Publish

Sound Editor : Homepage kita belum hidup tanpa musik. Untuk mengedit file midi atau wav, perlu alat khusus untuk itu.

  1. Sound Forge : Mengedit dan menambah efek file yang berformat mp3 dan wav.
  2. Cakewalk : Mengedit dan menambah efek untuk file yang berformat midi

Banyak sekali memang software untuk membuat suatu homepage dan kita tidak perlu mempelajari semua software tersebut di atas. Tapi untuk mempermudah, bagi pemula lebih baik dimulai terlebih dulu dengan mempelajari software Microsoft Frontpage atau Macromedia Dreamweaver agar lebih mengenal aturan-aturan membuat homepage dan mengenal bahasa html. Setelah itu baru Adobe Photoshop yang dipakai kebanyakan para desainer.

Langkah-langkah Membuat Homepage

Bermacam-macam langkah yang digunakan profesi web kita untuk membuat suatu homepage. Berikut ini adalah proses secara umum yang dilakukan kebanyakan profesi web di Indonesia untuk membuat web.

  1. Membuat Sketsa Desain : Desainer bisa saja menuangkan ide dalam membuat interface suatu homepage dalam bentuk sketsa di kertas dahulu. Untuk kebanyakan orang, biasanya langkah ini dilewatkan dan langsung pada langkah membuat layout desain dengan menggunakan software.
  2. Membuat Layout Desain : Setelah sketsa sudah jadi, kita menggunakan software seperti Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks dan Macromedia Freehand untuk memperhalus sketsa desain.
  3. Membagi gambar menjadi potongan kecil-kecil : Setelah layout desain homepage sudah jadi. File gambarb tersebut dipecah menjadi potongan kecil-kecil untuk mengoptimize waktu download. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut dapat menggunakan software Adobe Image Ready. Software ini dapat langsung memotong gambar yang besar tadi dan otomatis juga menjadikannya ke dalam format html. Langkah ini bisa saja dilewatkan bila ukuran gambar kita tidak terlalu besar.
  4. Membuat Animasi : Animasi diperlukan untuk menghidupkan homepage kita agar menarik pengunjung. Macromedia Flash dan Gif Construction Set dapat dipakai untuk melakukan hal tersebut.
  5. Membuat HTML : Setelah itu kita merapikan layout desain kita seperti menempatkan beberapa tombol dan gambar, menambah text, mengedit script HTML, membuat layout form ke dalam format HTML. Untuk itu kita perlu software HTML Editor seperti Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Frontpage dan Allaire Homesite.
  6. Programming dan Script : Untuk website e-commerce, iklan baris, lelang, database, membuat guestbook, counter dan forum diskusi. File HTML kita perlu programming untuk melakukan aktivitas semacam itu. Programming dan script ini bisa dibuat dengan menggunakan ASP, Borland Delphy, CGI, PHP, Visual Basic. Dan perlu diperhatikan bahwa programming dan script ini biasanya dilakukan setelah desain homepage kita telah jadi.
  7. Upload HTML : Setelah file kita telah menjadi html beserta gambar dan scriptnya. Kita perlu meng-upload file kita ke suatu tempat ( hosting ), agar semua orang di dunia dapat mengakses halaman html kita. Biasanya Macromedia Dreamweaver dengan fasilitas site FTP dan Microsoft Frontpage dengan Publishnya telah menyediakan fasilitas upload ini. Atau dapat menggunakan software seperti WS-FTP, Cute FTP, Bullet FTP.
  8. Homepage Pribadi : Untuk homepage pribadi atau yang sekedar ingin coba-coba biasanya setelah file html sudah jadi dapat hosting di tempat-tempat gratis, memakai guestbook dan counter gratis dan menambah macam-macam accesories dalam mempercantik homepage pribadi tersebut.

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ARTICLE :: MeLacak IP Yahoo Messenger Orang Lain

Melacak IP- YM Orang ^_^ //

OK deh...... Ada yang bilang IP-Ym tuh mustahil di lacak??? gw pernah baca di milis.....Benarkah?? ikutin yuukkk....^^

Pengalaman gw waktu pake Warnet Linux Di jember hal tersebut adalah salah.... Huehehee.... ^_^

OK... Langsung ajah:
1. Pertama Cari Warnet Linux ato sejenisnya.... (punya sendiri mungkin???)
2. Install Pigdin http://www.pidgin.im/ (Ternyata isa wat Windows juga ^_^)
3. Kalo udah.... pake deh tuh pigdin buat login ke YM
4. Ajak si Korban Chat sama lo
5. Klik [Conversation] [Get info] atao ctrl + o
6 keluar Begini:

Status: Available
IP Address:
Gender: Male
Last Update: 04/27/2001
Profile URL: http://profiles.yahoo.com/Korban_euy
7. Browse ke http://whois.domaintools.com
8. Ketik IP korban... Keluar Begini:

Whois Record

inetnum: -
netname: INDOSATM2
country: ID
admin-c: IH71-AP
tech-c: IH71-AP
mnt-by: APNIC-HM
remarks: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
remarks: This object can only be updated by APNIC hostmasters.
remarks: To update this object, please contact APNIC
remarks: hostmasters and include your organisation's account
remarks: name in the subject line.
remarks: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
changed: Whois Privacy and Spam Prevention by DomainTools.com 20060127
source: APNIC

person: INDOSATnet Hostmaster
nic-hdl: IH71-AP
e-mail: Whois Privacy and Spam Prevention by DomainTools.com
address: Jl. Kebagusan Raya 36
address: Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan
address: Indonesia
phone: +62-21-78546969
fax-no: +62-21-78546886
country: ID
changed: Whois Privacy and Spam Prevention by DomainTools.com 20041027
source: APNIC

Selesai deh.... Sayangnya... Pengalaman pertama gw gak dapet IP Warnet huhuhuuu....

Note: Entah mengapa Teknik ini tidak selalu Berhasil :(

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SOFTWARE :: All In One - Image Tools AIO

Image Tools AIO

AKVIS Sketch
AKVIS Sketch is software for conversion of photos into pencil sketches and watercolor drawings. Now you do not need to handle a pencil to feel like an artist. All you need to create your original work of art is good taste and AKVIS Sketch. Our efficient method allows creating realistic color and B&W drawings that imitate the technique of graphite and color pencil, charcoal and watercolor painting.
In contrast to the similar standard filters (like the built-in filters in Photoshop or PSP) that offer an approximate sketch, AKVIS Sketch provides a convincing result; it comes very close to hand-drawn works of a human artist. Getting a similar result with the standard tools would require expertise in image editing and extensive manipulation with layers, masks, brushes and applying filters.
AKVIS Sketch has a neat interface with a few sliders. At first you can process the image with the default settings and then touch up the photo adding color, or trying different techniques - from pencil to charcoal or watercolor. You can make the hatching denser or finer and change the pitch angle of strokes.
Home users will be delighted by the neat result of the photo-to-sketch conversion. AKVIS Sketch can bring a lot of fun: a pencil portrait can be a good present for your relatives and friends, a watercolor drawing obtained from your last nature shooting can decorate your room, you can convert any photo to an original drawing to print on a T-Shirt.

Key features of 3D-Brush:
1) At input you provide an OBJ file of 1-100 thousand polygons, preferrably with UV-mapping in place, at output you get either an object of 1-10 million polygons or textures of normals, displacement, color, transparency and specular. Maximal texture size is 4096 per 4096. Fully seamless texturing provided!
2) Possibility to draw relief detailing, color, specular and transparency on model's surface.
3) All you previously did in 2D now can be done in 3D ?? editing with layers, cloning surface areas, image transforming on surface, Copy/Paste, filling sealed areas, gradient filling, filling area inside contour, darkening, lightening, smoothening, sharping and so on.
4) Small geometry details get automatically added onto normal map, while large ones modify the geometry. As a result, the object of 40 to 80 thousand polygons displayed on screen looks as of 5 to 10 million polygons owing to detailed normal map.
5) Normal map gets instantly formed, so you can view the object in low-polygonal mode and straight away see how it is going to look in your game or scene. This is particularly important for developing games.
6) You can easily add details, applied along a spline, such as chains, bandages, fringe, zipper. Details can be imported as from 3D objects, so as from images.
7) Pens you draw with contain plenty of channels - depth, color, specular, eraser mask. This allows to considerably speed up the object detailing as you can both apply relief detailing and draw with color.
8) Although 3D-Brush is more oriented for small detailing, it allows for global object modification, sculpting too. You can easily bend a hand or a finger, enlarge the head, change object proportions or posture.
9) You can fix several points on the object's surface and pull one of them to see the object smoothly deforming.

EximiousSoft Cool Image
EximiousSoft Cool Image is a powerful, visual image designing tool. With which, the high quality pictures can be produced within short times.Now, it has established the leadership in image designing industry.Why is that? The only and most important thing is that it has the following key features.
• Professional designing tools. Having full set of edition tools is the reason of high quality pictures are made by EximiousSoft Cool Image.
• Selection tools. including Magic wand, Lasso and other geometry shape tools. With these tools, you can cut, copy and delete proportion of the image, as well as directly edit the particular areas in the image without influencing other parts.
Vector painted tools. Which can paint the smoothest lines, texts, rectangle with round corners, oval and other geometry shapes.
• Erasing tools. Which can easily clear away the proportion what you don’t want.
• Transform tools. Rotate and resize the special bitmap and vector object visually.
• 3D vision effect. With EximiousSoft Cool Image, you can generate shadow effect for the objects you wanted to make them stereoscopic effect. In addition, for texts , you can specify outline attributes to get high quality 3D advertisement banners.
• Capture screen. EximiousSoft Cool Image can take capture from full screen or an individual control.Even the window is irregular or layered.
• Edit visually and easily. With As a user of EximiousSoft Cool Image, you will not only enjoy the friendly user’s interface ,but also preview the editing result directly and cancels the previous change at any time.
• Supporting multi-types formats of images or animations. Such as GIF, AVI, BMP, PCX, JPG, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PSD, ICO, CUR, ANI, etc.

FaceOnBody Pro
FaceOnBody Pro is the only software in the universe designed specifically to put any face on any body. With any Windows-based system, you can transport the faces of your friends, classmates and co-workers to the most glamorous, sexy, seedy, hilarious places you can imagine. All you need is your digital photos and a little imagination. FaceOnBody Pro does the rest. FaceOnBody Pro lets you take your digital photographs to a whole new level. FaceOnBody Pro is the absolute easiest way to transform all those digital photos of friends and family into truly hilarious images you can share.

Gertrudis Pro
Gertrudis Pro is a stand alone software that transforms digital photos into artistic paintings. It includes a variety of styles such as watercolor, crayon or oil painting. Also it gives the option of rendering the output at any resolution without loss of quality or pixelation.
One of the key features of Gertrudis Pro is that it is independent of the resolution, therefore, the user can render the picture at any size.
It works with two images: The Original and the Resultant image, and provides a set of tools that enable the user to create an stylized version of the original image.

Key Features:
• Realistic imitations of the traditional media: Aquarela, Oil, Crayon, and others.
• Advanced Style Management: It lets creating variations of the existing styles or create new styles from scratch.
• Easy of use: The designer can choose the option of giving the direction of the strokes in an automatic way this is done by our exclusive flow analysis algorithm.
• High resolution pictures output: Since the size, position and direction of each stroke is recorded, this lets Gertrudis Pro to render the picture at any resolution.

Other new features:
• You can specify slightly color variations in the brushstrokes, obtaining a more natural aspect.
• The Variant and Fixed color modes, now works in a different way that it has proven be more useful to the user.
• User's interface was reorganized to make it easier and intuitive.
• Some useful characteristics were added:
1. Load and Save of Workplace.
2. Now you can add an snapshot to the undo history. So the user can go directly to the last snapshot.
3. You can apply strokes to the whole image in only one step, using the current style and settings.

Magic Photo Editor
Magic Photo Editor is an easy-to-use photo editing software. Now suppose you have a digital photo and a beautiful landscape picture, and you want to add you digital photo onto the landscape picture. You want to softly blend them together, and the blended picture should be natural and attractive. You are looking for a photo editing software which can do it easily and quickly. You can easily blend your digital photo onto another image to create special effect with Magic Photo Editor. You can also easily add many pretty frames, flowers and cartoon pictures onto your photo. It makes your photo more interesting and attractive.
You can easily change the size and position of the photos, flowers, cartoon pictures or text just by clicking and dragging them.
Magic Photo Editor is very easy to use.
Give this photo editor to your girlfriend or wife. I think it a good present.
The features include:
1) There are 200 masks for you to choose, which changes your photo in different shapes then blend it onto the backdrop image
2)Add 60 kind of flowers onto your photo, which make you photo more beautiful
3)Add 120 cartoon pictures onto your photo, which make you photo more interesting.
4)Add text comments onto your photo.
5)Add frames onto your photo. There are 160 frames included.

Photo-Brush is a cool new image editor, natural and artistic media painting program, picture retouching tool, photo enhancer and Image Browser for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista. It has many rich tools and effects for photo adjusting and photo retouching found in much more expensive professional tools. And there are also some effects and tools you can hardly find elsewhere. It is also one of very few featured image editors supporting full range of EXIF information from Digital Camera images.

PhotoSphere offers Different scan and Fast Copier Function and filters and effects. The integrated multi-action "can be all actions apply to whole directories eg Resize, lighten, effects, etc. For smoothing edges drawings will be applied to the image quality.
-- Scanning and printing. Now more support for Web Cameras and TV cards
-- By pushing a button color or b / w-copy
-- You can drag and drop files from the explorer draw
-- Image Resize
-- Brightness, contrast, gamma and color
-- Save in 6 different formats
-- Multiple actions, including To the size of all images in a directory to change or more *. bmp in *. jpeg compression.
-- Inversion
-- Black-and-white image
-- Zoom tool

most digital photography professionals recognize, all images require a certain degree of processing irrespective of the quality involved.
Unfortunately, qualitative image processing can take up a lot of time.
It is often the case that comprehensive image processing leads to a significant amount of work. A number of methods have been devised in an attempt to save time, such as automatic correction or applying individual correction to a series of photos. Image processing without technical knowledge is certain to result in wasted hours and long sleepless nights behind a computer. All of these methods (especially the latter) have obvious drawbacks.
It is a sorry situation that only a small percentage of photos/images have passed through any recognized photo editing at all. And even when editing does take place, many brands of seemingly well-equipped editing software have been poorly designed for the majority of digital photos.
RGBmachine has been developed to address this arduous task of applying frequent actions using the fastest possible method available. Although the architecture of RGBmachine has been geared to high speed processing, a central capability of the software is also best image quality.
RGBmachine is a fast and easy photo editor based on seminal new photo editing technology. It allows the user to rotate, resize, crop, correct color and remove red-eye problems in the fastest possible way.

Teorex Inpaint v1.0
Delete any unwanted object from your photo, such as extra power-line, people, text... The program will automatically inpaint the selected area to erase it.
Inpaint reconstructs the selected image area from the pixel near the area boundary. Inpaint may be used to remove undesirable objects from still images.If some unexpected object spoils an otherwise good photograph, Inpaint may be used to remove it. Simply select the object. No need for fiddly messing about with the clone tool!
It is alarmingly simple to use. Draw a selection around the object you wish to remove from the picture, and run smart remove selection. Inpaint will fill the selection area with intelligently generated texture drawn from the surrounding image data.
Inpaint reconstructs the selected image area from the pixel near the area boundary. Inpaint may be used to remove dust and scratches from a scanned photo, or to remove undesirable objects from still images.

VSO Image resizer
# How to resize images : The VSO free image resize software organizes your photos by changing their resolution or moving them within your hard drive. VSO Image resizer is the perfect tool for those who store their digital pictures and images on their PC and who want to resize, compress, convert, create copies, create thumbnails, import or organize photos.
With this free resize image software, you can create e-mail friendly versions of your images, load them faster, move them easily from folder to folder, change their format, edit large numbers of image files/batch image resize and thus save space on your hard drive. Using high resolution 1600x1200 for creating wallpaper or file-sharing you can save your memory. VSO Image Resizer can also change file names using a template and you can add your own watermark with transparency support.
VSO Image resizer is integrated into the Windows explorer shell, right click on your pictures and start working on your pictures !
Key Features:
# Convert between different graphic formats
# Configurable compression/resolution ratio
# Support file formats: Jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff etc
# Support Digital Camera RAW formats: Canon .CR2, Nikon .NEF , .MRW Minolta

ZCStar Photo Sketch Maker v1.30
It is a tool to convert a photo to wonderful sketch automatic or manually. You can convert your photo to sketch and mail it to your friends. Sketch effects includes 10 types. Figure a self-portrait use on Usenet or ICQ. Make a sketch as characteristic gift mail to your friends or sweetheart and give them a pleasant surprise.
It is very easy.
1. Click "Open" button to choose your photo.
2. Click the small effect pictures to convert your photo to sketch. (You can also choose Color1, Color2 and drag the track button to custom your sketch photo).
3. Click "Save" button to save your sketch.
4. Click "Print" to print your sketch.

Download: 84.66 MB




Pass: www.dl4all.com

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SOFTWARE :: All In One - 29 data Recovery Tools AIO

29 data Recovery Tools AIO

29 Utilities for recovery of the lost data. Try our Kernel TM Recovery range of Best Selling hard disk data recovery software & file repair products, for recovering deleted files or corrupt files data, which gets lost due to following reasons :

Format of a hard drive partition
Partition structures are damaged or deleted
Unexpected system shutdown or software failure
Accidental File Deletion
Virus Infection or Corruption
Various Kind of File System Corruption
File Corruption
Bad Sectors

Digital Media Data Recovery 4.02
Exchange OST to PST Conversion 4.04.03
FAT Partition Recovery 4.03
Foxpro DBF File Recovery 5.01
IncrediMail Email Recovery 4.02
Linux Data Recovery 4.03
Linux JFS Partition Recovery 4.02
Linux ReiserFS Partition Recovery 4.02
Macintosh Data Recovery 4.04
MS Access Recovery 4.04.05
MS Backup File Recovery 4.05.01
MS Powerpoint Recovery 4.05.01
MS Publisher Recovery 4.04.01
MS Word Recovery 4.03
NFTS Partition Recovery 4.03
Novell NSS Partition Recovery 4.03
Novell Traditional Partition Recovery 4.03
Outlook Express DBX Mail Recovery 4.02
Outlook Express Password Recovery 4.02
Outlook PST Password Recovery 4.02
Palm Pilot Database File Recovery 4.03
Paradox Database File Recovery 4.03
SCO OpenServer Data Recovery 4.01
Solaris Intel Data Recovery 4.04.01
SPARC Data Recovery 4.01
SQL Server Password Recovery 4.02
Tape File Recovery 4.02
Undelete 4.02
VBA Password Recovery 4.02
Universal keygen

Download: 46.82 MB



Pass: www.dl4all.com

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SOFTWARE :: All In One - 15 Portables in 1 - AIO

15 Portables in 1 - AIO

The collection of portable programs from GugU.

15 Portables in 1 - AIO by GugU:
AoA Audio Extractor 1.2.0
Folder Lock 5.8.0
Acronis True Image 9.0
Norton Partition Magic 8.0.5
Reg Organizer 4.20
Dictionary 7 Languages
IE 7
CuteFTP 8
EssentialPIM Pro 2.2
Product Key Explorer 1.9.7
Trojan remover 6.5.5
TuneUp Utilities 2008 v.7.0.7992
Ultra ISO
WinRar 3.71
Total Commander 7.02

Download: 99.31 MB



Pass: www.dl4all.com

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E-BOOKS :: Google Search & Rescue For Dummie

Google Search & Rescue For Dummies

English | 410 pages | PDF | 13.97 MB | 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc. | ISBN:9780764599309





Pass: www.dl4all.com

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Senin, 18 Februari 2008

Article :: Situs Infolinux di deface

Infolinux yang merupakan situs majalah linux terbesar di Indonesia pada malam tadi di deface oleh kelompok yang mengaku sebagai kelompok Antihackerlink .

Penyerang menyisipkan pesan :

Stop war with Windows, because of the war only will cause to Misery for humankind, and we reminded not the criminal or the terrorist, we did so only a feeling cared about us against you we that in crushed in killed without being guilty, the Law of the world criminal Is George W. Bush And dont forget to Support Sutiyoso to be a Indonesia President.

Kemungkinan kelompok tersebut masuk dari celah aplikasi CMS yang memang digunakan oleh Infolinux.

Sampai saat berita ini diturunkan, situs Infolinux masih belum diperbaiki, untuk informasi , penyerang mengaku mereka tidak menghapus file-file yang ada di server Infolinux tersebut.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

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EBOOKS :: Flash Video for Professionals

More than just a programming guide, this book takes you step by step through the process of gathering and preparing content, asking the right questions, determining the scope of the project and writing the project proposal. The authors cull from their professional experience of running their own digital media company to explain the special considerations in deploying Flash video applications, presenting ideas for solutions as well as tips for avoiding the most common pitfalls.

Download (3.1Mb):


Rar pass: www.ebooksdb.com

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EBOOKS :: Focal Easy Guide to Macromedia Flash 8

If you need to get to grips fast with creating interactive graphics and animation in Flash - then look no further! Whether you are a new user or a professional, this highly visual book is all you need to get up and running with the latest powerful upgrade - Macromedia Flash 8.

Birgitta Hosea breaks down the software into its main components and offers simple, visual step-by-step instructions to explain the fundamental practical techniques you need to create finished projects. The accessible style and structure lets you dip in and out when working on a project, or work straight through to explore more of the programs capabilities and develop your skills.

Written by a designer for designers The Focal Easy Guide to Macromedia Flash 8 offers a thorough coverage of the basic features of Flash, without going into in-depth coding with ActionScript.

Birgitta Hosea is a motion graphics artist and Course Director of the London Animation Studio at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. Her experience ranges from designing moving branding to art directing pop promos and short films.

A Volume in The Focal Easy Guide Series.

The Focal Easy Guide series:
Starting working with new software immediately regardless of your level
Achieve professional results, learn practical skills from industry experts
Focused, user-friendly coverage of the key tools you need to know

*If you need to get up and running fast with creating interactive graphics and animation in Flash - then look no further!
*Offers a thorough coverage of the basic features of Flash, without going into in-depth coding with ActionScript
*Dip in and out of the book when working on a project, or work straight through to explore more of the program's capabilities

Download (4.6Mb):


Rar pass: www.ebooksdb.com

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EBOOKS :: ActionScript 3.0 Bible

Packed with hands-on instruction and step by step tutorials, the ActionScript 3 Bible is everything you need to harness the power of this amazing language. ActionScript experts Roger Braunstein and Mims Wright guide you through the in's and out's of building Rich Internet Applications with ActionScript 3. Coverage includes:

* The ActionScript 3 language—variables, datatypes, operators and expressions, functions, and more
* Object-Oriented aspects of ActionScript 3
* Working with XML
* Dealing with events
* Handling error events and making your applications fault tolerant
* Debugging ActionScript applications
* Loading external data
* Working with audio, video and graphics
* Working in binary
* Developing for Apollo
* Application deployment
* And more…

Build rich Internet applications and more

ActionScript has matured into a full-fledged, object-oriented programming language for creating cutting-edge Web applications, and this comprehensive book is just what you need to succeed. If you want to addinteractivity to Flash, build Flex applications, or work with animation — it's all here, and more. Packed with clear instruction, step-by-step tutorials, and advanced techniques, this book is your go-to guide to unlock the power of this amazing language.

* Learn the basics: expressions, variables, functions, and more
* Apply object-oriented programming and principles to structure reusable, dependable code
* Master common data structures such as Strings, Arrays, and Objects
* Work with XML using the new E4X extensions
* Take control of the powerful new event model to write interactive software
* Discover new display types such as Shape and Sprite
* Add sound, video, animation, and effects
* Debug, handle errors, and make your applications fault-tolerant
* Read, write, and store data in binary format

Download (7.3Mb):


Rar pass: www.ebooksdb.com

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EBOOKS :: Beginning JavaScript, 3rd Edition

With this up-to-date guide, you’ll find everything you need to know in order to develop interactive, robust, and personalized pages using JavaScript. It takes you step by step through this powerful scripting language so you can begin enhancing your site right away and increase visits. You’ll learn how to take advantage of native JavaScript objects, manipulate objects that are available to you in the latest browsers, use cookies, and jazz up your web pages with Dynamic HTML.

Download (6.6Mb):


Rar pass: www.ebooksdb.com

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EBOOKS :: JavaScript Examples Bible

JavaScript Examples Bible

JavaScript Examples Bible is the example companion to the best-selling JavaScript Bible by Danny Goodman. This book is for anyone who is looking for complete examples of JavaScripts. Many of the examples reveal detailed descriptions of HTML listings that illustrate a particular object model or language feature. Even more Example sections invite you to try out an object model or language feature with the help of an interactive workbench, called The Evaluator — a JavaScript Bible exclusive!

Download (3.1Mb):


Rar pass: www.ebooksdb.com

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EBOOKS :: PHP Functions Essential Reference

PHP Functions Essential Reference is a detailed and practical function reference for the PHP programming language. Concise and authoritative, this working programmer's guide covers the core function groups plus 300 additional commonly used PHP functions, and details 800 more functions on the book's web site.

Written by working developers and PHP community leaders, this book is full of working code that utilizes the rich variety of functions availablewith PHP. Every function is supported by one or more examples that illustrate the function in action. This definitive guide to PHP is a must-have for any serious PHP programmer.

Download (Mb):


Rar pass: www.ebooksdb.com

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ARTICLE :: 10 Celah yang mengakibatkan web anda terkuasai

Keamanan Web seharusnya merupakan prioritas no.1 yang harus selalu di pertimbangkan oleh seorang web administrator dan web developer, tetapi umumnya para pembuat web akan memprioritaskan bagaimana membuat web yang menarik bagi pengunjung dan menempatkan keamanan web di urutan ke-sekian. Padahal, umumnya aplikasi web adalah penghubung terdepan antara user ataupun attacker, sekaligus sebagai pintu masuk ke seluruh data yang relatif penting milik perusahaan anda.

Para pembuat/penyedia web umumnya mengkategorikan keamanan web sebagai suatu hal yang hanya perlu di pikirkan setelah web itu di buat dan siap di gunakan oleh pengguna. Banyak ahli keamanan web bahkan menyatakan bahwa, umumnya keseluruhan website yang ada di internet rentan untuk di kuasai oleh penyerang, dan celah tersebut umumnya relatif gampang ditemukan bahkan untuk di eksploitasi.

Ditahun 2007 ini suatu organisasi non-profit Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)Rich internet Application) yang membuat tampilan website semakin menarik dan mengakibatkan timbul berbagai jenis celah baru pun telah di ikutkan.

Berikut adalah daftar yang di keluarkan oleh OWASP dalam "Top 10 2007" :

A1 - Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Celah XSS, adalah saat pengguna web aplikasi dapat memasukkan data dan mengirimkan ke web browser tanpa harus melakukan validasi dan encoding terhadap isi data tersebut, Celah XSS mengakibatkan penyerang dapat menjalankan potongan kode (script) miliknya di browser target, dan memungkinkan untuk mencuri user session milik target, bahkan sampai menciptakan Worm.

A2 - Injection Flaws

Celah Injeksi, umumnya injeksi terhadap SQL (database) dari suatu aplikasi web. Hal ini mungkin terjadi apabila pengguna memasukkan data sebagai bagian dari perintah (query) yang menipu interpreter untuk menjalankan perintah tersebut atau merubah suatu data.

A3 - Malicious File Execution

Celah ini mengakibatkan penyerang dapat secara remote membuat file yang berisi kode dan data untuk di eksekusi, salah satunya adalah Remote file inclusion (RFI).

A4 - Insecure Direct Object Reference

Adalah suatu celah yang terjadi saat pembuat aplikasi web merekspos referensi internal penggunaan objek, seperti file, direktori, database record, dll

A5 - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Celah ini akan memaksa browser target yang sudah log-in untuk mengirimkan "pre-authenticated request"terhadap aplikasi web yang diketahui memiliki celah, dan memaksa browser target untuk melakukan hal yang menguntungkan penyerang.

A6 - Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling

Penyerang menggunakan informasi yang didapatkan dari celah yang di akibatkan oleh informasi yang diberikan oleh web aplikasi seperti pesan kesalahan (error) serta konfigurasi yang bisa di lihat.

A7 - Broken Authentication and Session Management

Celah ini merupakan akibat buruknya penanganan proses otentikasi dan manajemen sesi, sehingga penyerang bisa mendapatkan password, atau key yang di gunakan untuk otentikasi.

A8 - Insecure Cryptographic Storage

Aplikasi web umumnya jarang menggunakan fungsi kriptografi untuk melindungi data penting yang dimiliki, atau menggunakan fungsi kriptografi yang di ketahui memiliki kelemahan.

A9 - Insecure Communications

Sedikit sekali aplikasi web yang mengamankan jalur komunikasinya, hal inilah yang dimanfaatkan oleh penyerang sebagai celah untuk mendapatkan informasi berharga.

A10 - Failure to Restrict URL Access

Seringkali, aplikasi web hanya menghilangkan tampilan link (URL) dari pengguna yang tidak berhak, tetapi hal ini dengan sangat mudah dilewati dengan mengakses URL tersebut secara langsung.

Untuk lebih lengkapnya dalam me-review aplikasi web anda, anda dapat membaca langsung dari situs resmi OWASP.
telah merilis satu buah daftar berisi 10 celah teratas yang dapat mengancam website anda, daftar ini pertama kali di rilis di tahun 2004. Daftar yang dibuat di tahun 2007 ini telah sangat berkembang, teknologi web (2.0) baru seperti AJAX dan RIA (

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Sabtu, 16 Februari 2008

SOFTWARE :: Design Tools - Authoring Tools : CDMenuPro 6.10

CDMenuPro 6.10

CDMenuPro is an easy-to-use CD Menu Creator for making Autorun CD Menu applications. The program comes complete with a large number of ready-to-use templates and project assistants, which make getting fast professional results child's play. CDMenuPro has been designed to create all the files necessary for autorun, to support a large number of trailers such as AVI, Intro, Sound, Splash Screen and to start your programs or documents reliably from your CD.

CDMenuPro Features:
- Creating an Autorun menu for a CD, DVD and USD drive (USB Flash Drive: the autorun feature for this medium was introduced with Windows Vista)
- Launch programs or presentations
- Open document files
- Open and display local internet pages and intranet pages using the default browser or the CDMenuPro Html-Viewer.
- Open a pre-addressed email application.
- Open and display a folder using the Windows Explorer
- Embeddable viewer for Txt-,Rtf-,Bmp-,Gif-,Jpg-,Dib-,Wmf-,Emf-,Ico- files
- Embeddable player for intro persentations (created with IntroCreator)
- External Image Viewer for Bmp-,Gif-,Jpg-,Dib-,Wmf-,Emf-,Ico- files
- External Text Viewer for Txt-,Rtf-,Htm-,Html- files
- Flash-Player (Royalty Free)
- External AVI-Player
- Embeddable AVI-Clip
-Integrated sound player
- Speaker control
- Background sound and button sound
- Document and function links can be created in conjunction with buttons, menu bars and pop-up menus; documents and programs can also be linked via a Listbox entry
- Full-text search
- Copy assistant (copy folders from CD to hard drive)
- Creates all the files necessary for the CD Autorun feature
- Using graphics to create a background and buttons makes it possible to design the menu to suit your needs
- Rectangular, oval or round menu windows with or without title bars
- Fully customizable user interface
- Buttons available in the following styles: Windows, Bitmap, Office, Outlook, Hyperlink, Image.
- Up to 1000 sub-menu pages per project
- You can integrate your own intros
- AVI-Trailer
- Startup Splash Screen
- Optional: Menu access control (Password, License Agreement)
- Optional: The ability to protect data on the CD against unauthorized access
- Tooltips
- Icon Converter (Bmp to Icon)
- Project wizards
- Drag & Drop - Interface
- Template-Browser and project templates
- The players, viewers, the PowerPoint and Pdf Starters can be added to the CD (Royalty Free)
- Resource Compiler (adds the resource files belonging to your menu into the menu application file)
- Insert your copyright and file information into the menu application
- Can be tested in a virtual drive
- Easy to use
- No programming knowledge required
- Detailed documentation
- Training cards featuring a large number of loadable examples
- CDMenuPro is easy to use and easy to learn
- After sales support free of charge

Additional programs for creating menus
- Resource Browser (template administration) with templates
- Button Creator
- Bitmap Icon Converter
- Full-text search
- ArchiveSafe for protecting data on CD

Additional programs for your CD (royalty-free)
- Text Viewer
- Html Viewer
- Rich Text Viewer
- Flash Player
- Full-text search
- Copy assistant

Additional programs with a business license
- PowerPoint Starter (royalty-free)
- Pdf Starter (royalty-free)
- Resource Compiler

Application possibilities:
- CD presentation
- Company presentation
- Product presentation
- Product catalog
- Electronic brochure
- CD documentation
- Slideshow CD
- A CD program archive
- CD Business Card
- Autorun CD Menus
- Job applications
- Dissertations
- CD Autorun Applications
- CD ROM Presentation
- DVD Autorun Applications
- Vista: USB Flash Drive Autorun Applications
- Autorun Pdf files
- Autorun Html files
- Autorun Power Point

Operating system: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/XPx64/Vista

Home Page - http://www.cdmenupro.com/

Download: 9.72 MB


Pass: www.dl4all.com

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Jumat, 15 Februari 2008

SOFTWARE :: Flash Design Tools - SWF Text v1.3

SWF Text v1.3

SWF Text is an author tool of Flash text animation. It embraces 160+ text effects and 40+ background effects and users may also customize all the properties of a Flash, including font, text color, and layout, etc. With SWF Text , a user without any experience of Flash development can easily create a Flash banner or an introductory page within a few minutes.

Key Benefits:

* Spend Less Time: With its user-friendly interface, SWF Text is simple and easy to use for even a user without any experience of Flash development. SWF Text enables you to create a Flash text animation with just a few clicks, saving your time on Flash development courses.

* Spend Less Money: With SWF Text, you'll be glad to find that there is no need to employ Flash designers for Flash text animation or to spend money on expensive Flash development tools and endless training courses.

* Rich Effect Library: So far, SWF Text embraces 160+ text effects and 40+ background effects. Each of these effects further includes a series of internal properties, and you may achieve different animation results by setting the properties. More wonderful effects will be added to the effect library in following upgraded versions.

* Powerful and Flexible Customized Animation Properties: With SWF Text, users can customize a final Flash movie by presetting all the properties, including movie size, movie playback speed, background color, background image, background animation effect, text, text animation effect, font, text color, text alpha transparency, text size, text's horizontal and vertical position, text spacing, and website linked to by the movie.

Software Features:
* Extremely easy to use. Enter text and select effects and you can create a Flash movie in 5 minutes.
* Even a user without any experience of Flash development can easily create various complicated Flash text animation effects.
* Supports customized setting of the size and playback speed of a Flash movie.
* Disables right-click context menu of a Flash movie.
* Has the ability to include preloader into final generated Flash movie.
* Produces Flash movies in compressed format, saving your disk space and download bandwidth of your web site.
* The background of a Flash movie can be transparent, or be filled up with solid color, gradient color, and image.
* Better animation effect is achieved by flexible grouping of 160+ text effects and 40+ background effects.
* More animation results are possible by customizing properties of the effects.
* Independent of language. Supports both single-byte character sets and multi-byte character sets.
* A Flash movie may contain more than one page, and each page may have more than one line of letters.
* Has the ability to use all the fonts you have installed in your computer.
* Supports comprehensive customization of text properties, including style, color, size, transparency, position, and spacing, etc.
* Specific page may be opened automatically in web browser with left-click over the movie or upon the end of its playback. This option is useful in creating Flash banners and introductory pages.
* Ability to add MP3 or WAV file to the Flash movie as background sound effect.
* Current settings may be saved up for later use.
* While creating a Flash movie, you may choose to generate the HTML code which can be used to include the movie in your web page at the same time.
* The Flash movie can be exported to GIF or AVI format to fill your need.
* Created Flash movie can be customized dynamically by loading parameters from "FlashVars" or external XML file.
* ClickTAG is supported by generated Flash movie by default.
* Preview Window will be automatically refreshed upon any property change of the Flash movie you are working.

What's New of Version 1.3:
New: Export Flash movie to GIF and AVI format
New: Ability to add preloader to the created Flash movie
New: Support clickTAG by default
New: 3 background effects and 1 text effect have been added
Fixed: The Flash movie will not be automatically played after being inserted into PowerPoint document
Fixed: The text in Flash movie is not shown with MAC Safari browser sometimes
Fixed: PNG image files will be loaded correctly
Fixed: Some MP3 files will be distorted while be included as sound effect

System Requirements:
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista, Macromedia Flash Player 6 or later

Download: 3.9 MB


Pass: www.dl4all.com

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SOFTWARE :: Flash Design Tools - Flash EXE Builder v1.0

Flash EXE Builder v1.0

Flash EXE Builder is a tool to quickly convert Flash movie files (.SWF) into an executable file (.EXE).

- Flash EXE Builder can create professional Windows application from .SWF files created using all IncrediTools products or any Flash authoring tools such as Adobe Macromedia Flash, SWISHMax, KoolMoves, etc. It is easy to use, flexible and produce high quality professional output.

- Flash EXE Builder supports all Flash version to date and requires Microsoft Windows to run (Mac OS is not supported).

Key features
• Package the published output with full application installer for easy deployment.
• Add serial number protection and expiry date to the published Flash application.
• Ability to include multiple files (SWF, BMP, JPG, PNG and MP3 files).
• Add customizable image and text watermark.
• Publish as executable file, screensaver, or autorun CD/DVD.
• Choose from various ready to use window shapes and skins.
• Support variety of FSCommands. You can also extend the FSCommand capability via plug-in.

Minimum System Requirements:
1 GHz CPU or Better, 512 MB RAM
DirectX 8.0 or better

Homepage - http://www.flashexebuilder.com/

Download: 8.23 MB


Pass: www.dl4all.com

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SOFTWARE :: Flash Design Tools - Websmartz Banner Designer Pro v3.0

Websmartz Banner Designer Pro v3.0

A very simple tool with very powerful features that helps you in creating professional looking banner in minutes!

-- Pick a banner from the exquisitely designed set of banner templates.
-- Customize and make your banner attractive by giving background color, gradient or image of your choice.
-- Add text, images, and geometrical shapes to your banner.
-- Give transition and special effects to the various objects appearing on the banner.
-- Full freedom to edit the images like rotating, cropping or changing the brightness and contrast features.
-- Export banner as HTML or SWF file and put it online.

Download: 17.97 MB


Pass: www.dl4all.com

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SOFTWARE :: Flash Design Tools - Flash Decompiler Trillix

Flash Decompiler Trillix

Flash Decompiler is a powerful SWF to FLA converter with functionality to decompile Flash movies, convert SWF elements into multiple formats and replace them on the go. With an ease of one click you can store sounds, images, videos, shapes, frames, morphs, fonts, texts, buttons, sprites and ActionScripts from any SWF file directly to your hard drive. You can export Flash Video to AVI and FLA, save sounds as WAV and MP3, images - as PNG, JPEG and BMP, texts as RTF, TXT and HTML. Flash Decompiler by Eltima lets you convert the whole SWF file or only shapes, images, sounds, morphs and texts into FLA. Projector EXE files are decompiled the same easy way as common SWF files. Flash Decompiler will give you detailed information about shapes, images, morphs etc, also tracking their placements in frames and sprites and even reflecting original names of frames, ActionScripts and sprites.

Full features list:
Export Flash Video into AVI and other playable formats
SWF to FLA conversion
Easiest and fastest one-click decompilation
Intellectual preview of decompiled SWF elements
Extract sounds, images, videos, shapes, frames, morphs, fonts, texts, buttons, sprites and ActionScripts with a single click
Export into multiple formats
Export shapes, images, sounds, morphs and texts into FLA
ASCII, Hex, binary memory dump
Grouped showing mode for multiple items in decompiled class
Selectable background color for SWFs
Detailed tag information
Convenient tags navigation with tracking their placements in frames and sprites
Detailed movie information
View and play your SWF files directly in Flash Decompiler
Compressed SWF files support
The system of favorites for easy navigation
Intuitive user-friendly interface
Interface skins - Customize Flash Decompiler to meet your personal taste and needs
Predefined interface layouts
Multilingual interface
Editable interface languages. Help us translate Flash Decompiler into your native language and we will be glad to offer discounts on our products or even free license
All Flash versions supported
Replace colors in SWF files
Replace gradients in SWF files
Replace lines in SWF files (edit their colors and thickness)
Replace images in SWF files

Platforms "Flash Decompiler Trillix 3.0" is compatible with:
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows 2003
Windows XP 64-bit Edition
Windows Vista
Windows Vista 64-bit Edition

Flash Decompiler Trillix 3.0 []
Released: 16th November, 2007
- Added: flash 9 (both Adobe Flash 9 Alpha and Adobe Flash CS3) support in AS 2.0 components
- Added: explorer context menu integration
- Added: "Decode all classes as dynamic" conversion option
- Added: size of installer package was decreased
- Added: shortcut to "Save Flash Movie" manual
- Removed: "Decode mx classes" conversion option
- Fixed: bug in incorrect compression format setting in FLA-writer
- Fixed: minor bugs and glitches

Homepage - http://www.show-kit.com/flash-decompiler/

Download: 11.27 MB


Pass: www.dl4all.com

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SOFTWARE :: Flash Design Tools - Anim-FX 3.5

Anim-FX 3.5

Create Flash intros , Flash banners , and text effects with Flash templates from Anim-FX for your web site - fast and easy. Anim-FX is a very compact Flash tool based on a wide range of Flash templates. The unique thing about Anim-FX Flash intro and banner builder is that the positioning of the text and the number of text lines is flexible.

Download: 1.43 MB


Pass: www.dl4all.com

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EBOOKS :: How to Prepare for the TOEFL , 11th edition (+ CD-ROM)

How to Prepare for the TOEFL , 11th edition (+ CD-ROM)

Publisher: Barron's | 720 pages | PDF | 346 MB

(Barron's How to Prepare for the Toefl Test of English As a Foreign Language)
This new 11th edition offers complete and up-to date preparation for the Paper-Based TOEFL and the Computer-Based TOEFL, with a preview of the Next Generation TOEFL test. There is extensive practice-even for students who don't have access to a computer. The manual includes a review chapter for each section of the TOEFL, including the new Speaking Section, and presents nine full-length model tests for the Computer-Based TOEFL, with questions answered and explained, along with one full-length model test for the Next Generation TOEFL and a practice test for the TOEFL Academic Speaking Test (TAST), with example answers. This compact disc-and-book package provides the audio versions for the Listening Comprehension sections of all model tests.





Pass: www.dl4all.com

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